
Time Table 2023-24

LLB-3th Practical Exam (Internal) Notice

LLB-5th Moot Court Notice

Schollarship Aadhar link Notice 2023-24

Re-Isue Schollarship Notice

Hemchand Exam-form Notification 2023-24

Exam Form Notice 2023-24

LLM Syllabus 2023-24

Online portal open for LLB Registration 2023-24

Message From Chairman

Dear students,

The world in which we live is in dire need of education that transcends the narrow constricted world of a result-based training/education, which accords equal, if not greater, importance, to the pastoral & ethical aspects of the teaching-learning experience. teaching the new generation is a serious business, particularly when you have to develop learning trends coupled with effective methods of evaluation.

The teachers in kalyan law college are not merely teaching, they create individuals! the teachers have a great responsibility, of molding the future. hence they need to anticipate the demands of the future. our college is a unique institution where we provide -innovative curriculum and creative methodology in teaching tools for student development and their skill enhancements.